6. transparency and integrity over obscurity.our people are our secret sauce. in over 20 years of experience, we’ve seen the power of different perspectives. we think collaboration, openness, and diversity beats individualism. we have assembled an awesome team to tackle the challenge to provide the mobility industry with safe and certified software. we work hard and with passion and are 100% committed to excellence in all aspects.jan in chargestefanin charge of productlyleproduct planninganup developer toolsmikein charge of app. engineering evan application engineering alban application engineering gerado solutions engineering alfonsoapplication engineering hubertproduct developmentdavidproduct developmentrecepproduct developmentkarinahrdejanin charge of technologyrabeain charge of legalanniein charge of securitydivyaapplication engineering misha product developmentjeffapplication engineering kilian product developmentjanine executive assistantvictordeveloper productivity marcinproduct developmentmoisésproduct developmenteugeneproduct developmentdavidengineeringnedin charge of financekyle in charge of apex.graceanup in charge of engineeringcurren in charge of strategic finance nikolaiproduct developmentandriiapplication engineering lamar lab engineering taro business development coleitbartoszproduct developmentkennyin charge of bd south korealubosproduct developmentmaxengineeringsanjayin charge of engineeringpaul in charge of cust. proj.carlosproject managementdongil functional safety christian product developmentrevatideveloper too**ietrich product developmenterik developer toolsflávioproduct developmentjimproduct developmentmateuszproduct developmentmaximebusiness developmentdanielefunctional safetyserkan in charge of sales & bdmaryin charge of accountingsumanthproduct developmentmonikaapplication engineering kevin product developmentmatthiasproduct developmentmichaelsolutions engineering johanproduct development milanproduct developmentlaurentin charge of cust. solutionsalexanderproduct developmentmelissamarketingtavisin charge of corp. dev.anitain charge of peoplecarlosproduct developmentmarikaproduct developmentmitchelltalent simon product developmentmarcin it michaelin charge of apex.ai swe abflorianin charge of partner mgmtpatrickproduct developmentahmedproduct developmentrolandin charge of engineeringnicole in charge of marketingmichaelproduct architectfrederikapplication engineering christopheproduct developmentderek business development lander product developmentvincenzo application engineering nachiketapplication engineering naveenapplication engineeringdhruvproduct developmentmichaelproduct developmentxjcorporate developmentdmytroin charge of it paul strategy michael product developmentfadi product developmentloreproject management karl developer productivity hunterproduct developmentmartin customer management michałproduct developmentibrahimproduct developmentthomasin charge of bd central europeminalegalmeet the teamadvisorsboard of directorssven beikeradvisorbrian gerkey advisorjon feiberadvisorjan beckerapex.aikt neumannboard memberrayfe gaspar-asaokacanaanahmed sallamorillionexpertisewe are alumni from top automotive, robotics, and software companies and are experts in using modern c++ to build real-time software for safety-critical systems, modern software engineering practices and functional safety design for complex real-time software.