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标题(Title) | 0 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) | |
关键词(KeyWords) | 67 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
ai写作, AI, AI助手, PPT生成, AI writing, AI, AI assistant, PPT generation
描述(Description) | 887 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
ChatApe 是一款基于人工智能大语言模型的智能AI助手,为用户提供多模态、个性化的AI服务。ChatApe聚合了包括智谱清研、豆包、文心一言,通义千问,月之暗面,等多款大模型与自研的ChatApe大语言模型,可用于AI问答、AI写作、AI绘图、PPT生成,脑图生成,AI翻译等;用户可根据需要选择智谱清研、豆包、文心一言,通义千问,月之暗面,ChatApe等不同大语言模型完成AI问答、AI写作、AI绘图、PPT生成,脑图生成,AI翻译等工作,帮助用户降本增效。ChatApe is an intelligent AI assistant based on the LLM, which provide multimodal and personalized AI services. ChatApe has gathered Globally popular large models including GLM, Doubao, ERNIE Bot, Qwen, Moonshot、 and the self-developed large language model-ChatApe, which can be used for AI Q&A, AI writing, AI drawing, PPT generation, mind map generation, AI translation, etc; Users can choose different large language models such as GLM, Doubao, ERNIE Bot, Qwen, Moonshot and ChatApe to complete AI Q&A, AI writing, AI drawing, PPT generation, mind map generation, AI translation and other work;Thus achieving cost reduction and efficiency improvement.