homesolutionssolutionscommunity managementcompany visibilitycustomer analyticscustomer supportdocument intelligencemarketplacesuse casescontent moderationinteractive q&asemantic searchsentiment analysisview moreplatformplatformhow it worksproduct tourvideo tutorialsproductspredictpromptsearchsummarizeuse casesclusteringcontent moderationsemantic searchsentiment analysisview moreresourcesresourcesblogdocumentationvideo tutorialsfeaturedquick guide to text classification for business usersread morepricingcompanyget accessloginthe ai of the 1%, built for the 99%we’re on a mission to bring the capabilities of the world’s leading ai companies to every business. that’s an ambitious goal, but almost as ambitious is how we plan to get there.2021year founded21team members41petsour foundersadam oliner, phdfounder & ceoadam led production ml teams at slack and splunk, co-founded a successful data analytics company, and studied at mit, stanford, and berkeley.adam oliner, phdfounder & ceoadam lives in san francisco with his wife and two little boys. he enjoys hiking, reading fiction, math and word play, fine dining, and playing dungeons & dragons.maria kazandjieva, phdco-foundermaria was director of engineering at netflix, where her team earned two emmy awards for technical achievement. she holds cs degrees from stanford university and mount holyoke college.maria kazandjieva, phdco-foundermaria lives in the bay area. you can find her kickboxing & trail running, baking & eating carbs, or relaxing with a non-fiction book and her two feline supurrvisors.eric schkufza, phdco-foundereric was a principal scientist at amazon, working on global-scale machine learning systems, and a senior researcher with the vmware research group. he earned a computer science phd from stanford university.eric schkufza, phdco-foundereric lives in oakland ca. he enjoys long motorcycle trips, and rock climbing, especially in the joshua tree desert.mick hakobyanco-foundermick is a seasoned software engineer with a wide range of experience across a variety of software stacks. he has over two decades of experience with distinguished tenures at netflix and microsoft.mick hakobyanco-foundermick lives in the bay area with his wife and daughter. he enjoys biking, hiking, gaming, reading sci-fi & fantasy, building random devices and traveling with family. irina calciu, phdco-founderirina is a distributed systems researcher. she worked with the vmware research group on new techniques for parallelism and cloud resource efficiency, and published papers in top academic conferences. she holds a cs phd from brown.irina calciu, phdco-founderirina is a globe-trotter from romania, currently based in the sf bay area. she loves traveling, reading, hiking and training her cat.brian calvert, phdco-founderbrian was a data scientist and the technical lead for the ml platform team at cruise. he focused on pb-scale data pipelines, large-scale model training, and robust av safety validation. he holds a particle physics phd from the university of maryland.brian calvert, phdco-founderthe son of two bohemian artists, brian has lived across the continental us, currently residing in san francisco, ca. he appreciates good art, good food, and good fitness and moonlights as a breakdancer and professional poetry writer.our missionmake the ai of the 1% accessible to the 99%.our visionaccess to ai is not equal, due to a lack of the data, infrastructure, and expertise required to practice it in production.graft removes these barriers, making modern ai accessible to every person in every organization. no need to hire a special team or bottleneck on them to get anything done.our valueswe are building a diverse team with a variety of skills and backgrounds. we’re focusing on customer success, not vanity metrics. we’re rewarding behaviors that reflect our values, like collaboration and communication, and encouraging a bias for action and a sense of ownership. we do all this because graft is building the future of ai, and this is how the future should look.diversity and inclusioncollaboration & communicationbias for actioncustomer focustrustbacked by the bestout perform with ai todayrequest accessjoin the modern ai communitysign up to receive monthly updates.thank you! your submission has been received!oops! something went wrong while submitting the form.product tourexperience our modern ai platform with a self-guided tour.explore graftfollow usplatformoverviewpricingproductsuse casesresourcesblogtutorialshelp centerstatuscompanyabout uscareersauptosprivacy policy
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