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备案信息 | 备案号:沪ICP备2022028151号 名称: 上海鸿标机电设备有限公司 性质:企业 审核时间:2024-06-11 更新 | |
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标题(Title) | 54 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Shanghai Hongbiao Equipment Co., Ltd-Shanghai Hongbiao
关键词(KeyWords) | 803 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
Ward bed, hospital bed, stainless steel bed, medical storage cabinet, medical locker, medical sterile cabinet, stainless steel medical equipment cabinet, ward bedside table, medicine cabinet, Chinese and western medicine cabinet, hydraulic flat car, nurse treatment trolley, medical cart, medical cart, ward family care chair, infusion waiting chair, medical protective eye mask, intravenous indwelling needle, central venous catheter, stainless steel medical table, newborn cribed, stainless steel hospital dirt truck, nursing home low control bed, multifunctional rotating bed, hospital wheelchair, wheelchair, medical plastic packaging, thick sheet plastic packaging, cutting machine press bed, sandblasting equipment, sandblasting nozzle, sandblasting gun, sandblasting helmet, sand blasting gloves,
描述(Description) | 803 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Ward bed, hospital bed, stainless steel bed, medical storage cabinet, medical locker, medical sterile cabinet, stainless steel medical equipment cabinet, ward bedside table, medicine cabinet, Chinese and western medicine cabinet, hydraulic flat car, nurse treatment trolley, medical cart, medical cart, ward family care chair, infusion waiting chair, medical protective eye mask, intravenous indwelling needle, central venous catheter, stainless steel medical table, newborn cribed, stainless steel hospital dirt truck, nursing home low control bed, multifunctional rotating bed, hospital wheelchair, wheelchair, medical plastic packaging, thick sheet plastic packaging, cutting machine press bed, sandblasting equipment, sandblasting nozzle, sandblasting gun, sandblasting helmet, sand blasting gloves,