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标题(Title) | 123 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
India Environment Portal | News, reports, documents, blogs, data, analysis on environment & development | India, Sou...
关键词(KeyWords) | 889 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
Environment, India, South Asia, Cities, Districts, Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Urbanisation, Pollution, Climate Change, Atmosphere, Ozone Layer, Mining, Environment Clearance, Forests Clearance, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Court, National Green Tribunal (NGT), Lakes, Rivers, Natural Disasters, Floods, Drought, Dams, Irrigation, MGNREGA, Poverty, Rural Development, Food Safety, Bhopal Gas Disaster, GM Crops, Industry, Public Transport, Water Harvesting, Rivers, Government, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Health, Obesity, Lifestyles and Health, Forests, Deforestation, Food Security, Livestock, Fisheries, Urbanisation, Water Supply, Sanitation, Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, E-Waste, Pesticides, Toxins, Wildlife, Tribals, Biodiversity, Western Ghats, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Hospital Waste, Sustainable Development
描述(Description) | 194 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Environment News, Reports, Government Documents, Court Cases, Policy Papers, Data, Statistics, presentations, reviews, Press releases, Opinions and Analysis & more from India and South Asia.