i hit a bizarre milestone in my life: i wore two different shoes to mass and didn’t even notice until i got home. (i found a style of shoe that’s supportive and fits well, so i have a couple pairs in the exact same style and forsake all other shoes. in my defense, they are […],i’ve read about millennials choosing not to have kids at record rates. (this is a completely different situation than the troubling increase in infertility. that’s a whole other discussion.) there’s even a term for these couples– dink, or “double income, no kids.” whether for financial reasons, social, or emotional reasons, dinks are uninterested in trading […],when sweet rosie shared the loss of her daughter and plans for christmas 2021, my heart broke for their family. we participated in her margaret’s stocking project last year. we prayed for their family. we thought of them often, long after christmas, hoping that their hearts were healing. little did we know that we would […],i love looking through gift guides. in case you do too, here’s what i threw together between checking algebra and changing diapers, because that’s how homeschool rolls. some of the links are affiliate links. if you make a purchase after clicking one of the amazon links, we receive a small commission at no cost to […],the other day i heard lauren daigle’s rebel heart for the first time. came on while i was in the shower, and i wasn’t really paying close attention. then these words hit me “..this rebel heart belongs to you.” except that’s not what i heard. i heard that line as “…this rubble heart belongs to […],we are choosing granite options. i think we have a design figured out for joseph’s stone. but there’s something meaningful in choosing stones today, the six-month anniversary of losing joseph. like we’re giving the tragedy a stamp of permanence. how have i managed to keep going? it’s rhetorical. i’m asking myself. because i really don’t […],today is the feast of our lady of sorrow, which i have never really acknowledged or celebrated until today. in fact, i remember specifically skipping over our lady of sorrows resources in a past catholic mom bundle. i thought something like, “oh, this really isn’t my jam.” like, there’s enough sadness in the world to […],it’s four months since we held joseph for the first and last time. if i understand the grief process correctly from people further along on the journey, the pain is always there…but dulls over time. for now we’re still at dagger level. (actually, i don’t know exactly what it feels like to be stabbed with […],why is this a story? people get their hair cut all the time. i guess it’s slightly noteworthy since i cut my own hair. it started out of necessity a few years ago because i didn’t have a way to leave my kids and get a haircut. so i started taking care of it on […]
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