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applicationsordering certified documentstrademark trial and appeal boardmaintaining a trademark registrationkeeping your registration aliveforms to filechecking registration status & viewing documentsenforcing your trademark rights/trademark litigationtransferring ownershiptools & linksapply online (teas)file a trademark application and other documents online through teas.check application status (tsdr)check trademark application status and view all documents associated with an application/registration.trademark feestrademark fees and paymenttrademark trial and appeal boardmore tools & linksip policyip policypatent policyindustrial design policytrademark policycopyright policyenforcement policytrade secret policyinternational affairsip attaché programchina ipipr toolkitsinternational intergovernmental organizationsip research and training economic researchglobal intellectual property academytools & linkslegislative resourceslearn about our current legislative initiatives.ipr toolkitsfind out how to protect intellectual property in other countries.ip policy eventsfind upcoming programs related to ip policy and international affairsmore tools & linkslearning and resourcesresources by audienceattorneys, agents & paralegalsinventors & entrepreneurskids & educatorsmediaresearchers & librarianspatent & trademark practitionershelp by topicfees and paymentgeneral faqspatents faqstrademark faqstransferring ownership / assignments helpservices & publicationsopen data & mobilityfederal register noticesofficial gazettesupport centersxml resourcesclassificationtools & linksoperational statuseventsguidance documentsglossary of termssubscriptionshow-to videosip programs and awardsstatisticsip identifiermore tools & links mobile main menu patentsback getting startedback patent basics process overview legal assistance and resources inventor and entrepreneur resources international cooperation patent faqs application processback search for patents learn about patent classification filing online checking application status responding to office actions petitions patent trial and appeal board maintaining a patentback maintenance fees correcting your patent transferring ownership ordering certified documents more patentsback forms fees & payment information initiatives patents announcements patents ombuds laws and regulations contact patents patent technology centers management tools & linksback online patent tools patent center check application status fees and payment patent trial & appeal board global dossier more tools & links trademarksback getting startedback trademark basics process overview trademark faqs hiring a u.s.-licensed attorney madrid protocol international protection scam awareness protect against trademark scams application processback search our trademark database apply online disclosure of public information checking application status & viewing documents responding to office actions abandoned applications ordering certified documents trademark trial and appeal board maintaining a trademark registrationback keeping your registration alive forms to file checking registration status & viewing documents enforcing your trademark rights/trademark litigation transferring ownership more trademarksback trademark updates and announcements laws & regulations fees & payment information guides, manuals, and resources sound marks transferring ownership / assignments documents for prosecutors trademark timelines contact trademarks tools & linksback apply online (teas) check application status (tsdr) trademark fees trademark trial and appeal board more tools & links ip policyback ip policyback patent policy industrial design policy trademark policy copyright policy enforcement policy trade secret policy international protection international affairsback ip attaché program china ip ipr toolkits international intergovernmental organizations ip research and training back economic research global intellectual property academy tools & linksback legislative resources ipr toolkits ip policy events more tools & links learning and resourcesback resources by audienceback attorneys, agents & paralegals inventors & entrepreneurs kids & educators media researchers & librarians patent & trademark practitioners help by topicback fees and payment general faqs patents faqs trademark faqs transferring ownership / assignments help services & publicationsback open data & mobility federal register notices official gazette support centers xml resources more patent and trademark services classification tools & linksback operational status events guidance documents glossary of terms subscriptions how-to videos ip programs and awards statistics ip identifier more tools & links more learning and resourcesback examiner training materials educational resources ip programs and awards training for public users order print publications other web resources statistics about usback initiatives financial and performance uspto locations vendor information jobs contact us myuspto find it fastpatents patent public searchpatent search patent centerformspatent filing patent centerglobal dossierfiling status pay maintenance feespay or look up maintenance fees ptabpatent trial and appeal board search assignmentrecord assignmentsearch recorded assignment and record ownership changes mpepclassificationguides and manualstrademarks trademark searchsearch trademark database teasformstrademark filing tsdrstatus, documents, and certificates ttabesttattabvuetrademark trial and appeal board search assignmentrecord assignmentsearch recorded assignment and record ownership changes tmepid manualtmogtbmpguides and manuals trademark processing wait timescurrent and target wait timesfees and paymentfee schedule and payment informationsystems statuscurrent and planned system outagesliving with intentionnurturing talent and innovation in rural south dakota full story> public events jan 10, 2024 - virtualvirtual office hour with uspto patent examinersjan 10, 2024 - virtual and las vegas, nvwomen's entrepreneurship series: leading women leading changejan 19, 2024 - bowling green, kyone-day trademarks boot campjan 23 - 25, 2024 - virtuallearn the fundamentals of the patent application processeventview all 58 upcoming events. initiatives artificial intelligence council for inclusive innovation (ci2) engage with the director inclusive innovation military community entrepreneurship women's entrepreneurship uspto - fda collaboration initiatives new to intellectual property? patent basics trademark basics identify what kind of ip you have inventor & entrepreneur resources access our free services training and education events uspto in your region latest newsremarkslatest news hhs seeks public input on pandemic response issues under consideration at who negotiationsstakeholders are invited to provide comments on all issues raised in the text. comments must be received by 5 p.m. et on january 22, 2024. atlanta; new hampshire county selected for new uspto outreach office locationsthe new regional office and community outreach office will serve as innovation centers for local and regional innovators. nist calls for public comments on draft march-in rights guidancecomments on draft march-in rights guidance due february 6, 2024. uspto announces new public advisory committee members to help advise agency and advance core mission of fostering and protecting innovation across americathe uspto thanks outgoing pac members and welcomes incoming committee members.mailsubscribearticlemore newsremarks remarks by deputy director derrick brent at the 2023 national hbcu weekoral testimony of the honorable kathi vidal before a hearing of the senateremarks by uspto director kathi vidal at aipla spring meetingremarks by uspto deputy director derrick brent at the los angeles intellectual property lawyers associationstatement of under secretary of commerce for intellectual property and director of the united states patent and trademark office kathi vidal before the united states house of representativesassignmentmore remarksfrom revamping our website, to enhancing our chat bots, to modernizing our technology, a top priority at the uspto is to better serve you, our great american innovators. your feedback lets us know how we are doing and where there is an opportunity to do more!"-
网站成立于1997年10月2日,该网站属于综合其他行业。网站已启用CDN。已开启GZIP压缩,用户主要来自美国,主要流量来自直接访问。www.uspto.gov的域名年龄为27年5个月9天,注册商为Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,DNS为,,,域名更新时间是2024年05月16日,域名过期时间是2025年09月30日,距离过期还有203天。解析出来的IP有:[德国黑森法兰克福 亚马逊云],[德国黑森法兰克福 亚马逊云],[德国黑森法兰克福 亚马逊云],[德国黑森法兰克福 亚马逊云]。