facebooktwitterpinterestinstagramcart menumenuthe ansel adamsgalleryansel adamsoriginal photographsshop ansel adamsexclusivesrepresentedartistsphotographyeducation about ansel adamsthe ansel adams gallerythe john muir trailnews & exhibitsgift collectionsshop ansel adams original photographsshop ansel adams exclusivesshop represented artistsphotography education menumenuthe john muir trailabout the galleryabout ansel adamsnews & exhibitsgift collectionsansel adams, photographer, conservationist“at one with the power of the american landscape, and renowned for the patient skill and timeless beauty of his work (see ansel adams yosemite black & white photographs & original prints), photographer ansel adams has been a visionary in his efforts to preserve this country’s wild and scenic areas, both on film and on earth. drawn to the beauty of nature’s monuments, he is regarded by environmentalists as a monument himself, and by photographers as a national institution. it is through his foresight and fortitude that so much of america has been saved for future americans.”president james e. carter presenting ansel adams with the presidential medal of freedomansel adams in 1957articleshere are some of our favorite articles by and about ansel adams. for more, see our news page. also check out some of ansel adams most popular quotes.july 2, 2023ansel adams: capturing the majesty of naturecbs news correspondent conor knighton visits an exhibition on the artist's work, "ansel adams: in our time," currently on view at the de young museum in san francisco.march 1, 2020ansel adams, environmentalistoctober 5, 2019japanese-american internment: ansel adams exhibit delayed 75 yearsseptember 15, 2019ansel adams, photographeransel encounters: stories from our readers ansel adams and imogen cunningham, by alan rossover the years, we have heard many fun and entertaining stories about peoples’ encounters with ansel and virginia in yosemite, carmel, and elsewhere. ansel adams was a friendly, outgoing man who inspired many through his work and commitment to photography and conservation. in “ansel encounters,” we are collecting stories from our readers and sharing them with you. share your story!read the latest stories from “ansel encounters“seminarmemories of ansel and johnansul in wawonavideosfebruary 28, 2021ansel adams photographer, videomay 7, 2020bbc masters: ansel adams, part 1may 6, 2020bbc masters: ansel adams, part 2share on facebookshare on twittershare on whatsappshare on pinterestshare on redditshare by mail gallerythe ansel adams galleryvillage mallyosemite national park
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