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标题(Title) | 13 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Armchair Hero
关键词(KeyWords) | 544 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
deconstruction of surfing, dissemination of stoke, aesthetic interpretations, nonhuman behaviour, ENTHNOGRAPHIC, Social Constructionism, Anthropology, Fantastically analogue, balletic in-habitation of the watery, Car park culture, photography, photos, skateboarding photography, surfing photography, surf, skate, sk8, punk, rock, photographer, surf photographer, surfing, ocean, stock, beach, water, nature, landscape, portrait, travel, assignment, analog, digital, 35mm, medium format, gyotaku, printing gyotaku surfboards, surfboard printing
描述(Description) | 1010 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
A groundswell of inspiration.
Hailing from the East coast, or as I like to call it, �the right coast� I�m a pro-active practitioner of graphic stoke and unexpected instalments of pure visual delight.
I aim to infuse my surf culture research focus skills to expand the network of undergraduate surfers and look towards solving a number of pressing issues. I spend my time hunting the many secret spots on the east coast, and also finding out how to connect the visiting car park culture into a community.
Armchair Hero is a practice-led visual research outlet focusing within the deconstruction of surfing and dissemination of stoke. Working on a series of experimental concepts I explore the signification, perception, communication-in-context and aesthetic interpretations of this human (and sometimes nonhuman) behaviour. The balletic in-habitation of the watery landscape fascinates and stokes the creative fire, my work encompasses and manifests within print and screen, static and film based projects.