爱朗(重庆)国际贸易有限公司作为aswf埃里窗膜中国独家总代理商。公司历经近数载的风雨发展,形成了以汽车隔热窗膜、建筑隔热窗膜、汽车漆面保护膜等产品为主的产品体系。目前销售网络覆盖全国31个省,客户群体包含整车厂、4s集团、渠道商、汽车美容店等,形成了较为完整的销售渠道和遍及全国的销售网络体系。爱朗(重庆)国际贸易有限公司本着“专心、专注、专业”的经营理念,销售网络已覆盖全国各地。公司以开放的眼光,高远的战略,学习采取服务最优化的渠道创新机制,科学规范化的渠道管理模式,精英机动的管理团队,以变革求生存,以创新求突围,逐渐形成了汽车隔热窗膜,建筑窗膜,汽车精品等多元化的产品发展格局。人物简介 pierre chraghchian皮耶先生(公司的创办人之一) mike martin麦克马丁先生(公司总经理),约有5年的时 间在制造窗膜机器的公司担任机器设计的工作,之后则有10年在solar gard 服务。 zeping xia夏泽平先生(aswf品牌中国独家总代理)1.品牌起源 公司的历史可远溯回20年前,alexander sardarian(公司创办人之一)第一次卖美国生产的窗膜给苏俄圣彼德堡的一间tint shop,之后与pierre chraghchian(公司的另一创办人)开始合作成立美国窗膜的销售代理公司,它的业务集中在美国加州和国际市场,由于销售版图扩大及销量大增,为确保产品来源的品质稳定和充裕的供货,所以于2007间在美国拉斯维加斯成立新工厂,同时聘请具有丰富窗膜制造经验的麦克马丁先生出任总经理,马丁先生曾有约5年的时间在制造窗膜机器的公司担任机器设计的工作,之后则有10年在solar gard 服务。1. starting off the founding members of company have been involved in distribution of window film in the international and california markets and the company history actually can be traced back about 15 years to a tint shop in st. petersburg, russia. as the territories of distribution expanded and sales-volume increased,the necessity to have a more dependable,consistentand unrestricted source of supply became more and more critical. in 2007,the company was founded in las vegas, usa. mike martin,who had worked for solar gard for ten years,was brought on board as president of company to run the manufacturing operation.2.工厂介绍工厂占地60000平方英尺,全新环保节能厂房内安装着创新设计的设备,这台新机器可一次性输入三种原膜、涂料,然后同时经过上胶和滚压贴合两个过程后,制作出成品,因制造过程精密且连贯,从而减少原料的浪费和不良产品的产生。所有的原料包括涂料和原膜,皆采用美国当地原材料生产。生产过程中,由全自动电脑摄影装置严格监控,以确保及提升产品的品质。2. productiona new 60,000-square-foot facility installed with the new innovative designed machine, a three-head coater,is able to concisely and efficiently manufacture high quality products at competitive price. the machine takes three raw material rolls and three coatings, then coats and laminates the product to a finished goods.raw materials used for the company’s window film products, both film and coatings, are sourced from american suppliers.the automatic computer-image-processing tool has installed to provide high quality assurance. 3.展望未来aswf相信—成功是建立于员工的表现和客户的满意度之上,因此公司的经营哲学就是以量身定做的方式来服务客户。公司的销售通路在美国国内和世界其他地区也稳定快速成长,同时为满足客户的需求,公司也持续采用最新科技来开发新的产品,希望不久的将来能在宽敞的厂房内,扩充新的生产线,为客户提供国际级最高端的产品与服务。3. prospective the company believes its success is dependent on the performance of its employees and the success and satisfaction of its customers.so,aswf’s philosophy is to treat customers and employees the way they would like to be treated.the company has been steadily growing its distribution network both in domestically and internationally,and continually developing the new products to meet customer’s need. currently only 25% of our brand new spacious facility is used and aswf is looking forward to expanding our product line soon.
网站成立于2015年8月3日,该网站属于综合其他行业。网站主要内容为:埃里膜,爱朗(重庆)国际贸易有限公司等。已开启GZIP压缩。aswfchina.com的域名年龄为9年6个月6天,注册商为Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.,DNS为dns10.hichina.com,dns9.hichina.com,域名更新时间是2022年08月12日,域名过期时间是2027年08月03日,距离过期还有905天。