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标题(Title) | 63 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Audacity Malaysia | A modern, contemporary, Jesus-loving church
关键词(KeyWords) | 0 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
描述(Description) | 1598 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Church founded in Penang, we want to extend our tent to share God’s unfailing love and truth to many other regions of the world. The church is not a place to go or an activity to attend. It is a place to belong, a people to love.” Whatever your station of life or story, you are welcome to call Audacity Malaysia your church family. We are passionate in pursuing an authentic and progressive life together that changes lives individually and massively; empowering one another to live out loud for Christ in every arena of our lives, be it our homes, campuses, offices, businesses, nation, culture, and so much more. Our vision of the church is ‘I AM CHANGING LIVES. It’s our desire that every single one has the opportunity to experience the great ‘I AM’, God himself and see great changes, love, faith and hope unfold in their lives. As such, it is also our passion to be effective instruments of God to reflect His love and glory through our service to others, be it in church through various ministries or beyond the walls of the church through community services and more. But this is not only a vision of the church as one unit, but also a vision embraced personally by each member of Audacity Malaysia to be a positive influence in the lives of the people in our personal communities wherever we go and in whatever we do. It’s our desire to have the audacity to believe and live a life larger than ourselves. This year, we will be launching Audacity Global, an online church community to reach, empower and touch the lives of people from Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Indonesia, Adelaide and more.