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NetEarth One Inc. d/b/a NetEarth
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标题(Title) | 59 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
AAIR - Aviation Archaeological Investigation & Research
关键词(KeyWords) | 752 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
aviation archaeology, aviation archeology, wreckology, military aircraft accidents, military aircraft wrecks, military aircraft crash sites, aviation safety, World War II veterans, pilots, crews, planes, Cold War, aerospace archaeology, wreck chasing, wreckchasing, war birds, warbirds, aviation history, military history, military aircraft accident reports, military aircraft mishap reports, military aircraft crash reports, aircraft record cards, aircraft history cards, serial number, airplane accidents, USAAF, USAAC, USAF, USN, Army Air Forces, Unit history, base history, station history, group history, squadron history, aviation archaeology. airplane crash, airplane wreck airplane accident, pearl harbor history, MACRs Missing Air Crew Reports
描述(Description) | 334 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
AAIR, Aviation Archaeological Investigation & Research, is a source of U. S. military aircraft accident reports, pictures of aircraft crash sites, MACRs (Missing Air Crew Reports) and individual aircraft history cards and historical research. Historic aircraft crash site surveys, search and recovery through aviation archaeology.