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标题(Title) | 22 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
PHP 7.3.33 - phpinfo()
关键词(KeyWords) | 907 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
, Best Tech Solution,Temp check,temperature check,temp check scanner,temperature check scanner,School Bus temperature check,school bus temp check,student temperature check,student temp check,school temp check,school temperature check,employee temperature check,employee temp check,thermal temperature measurement,fever warming system,body temperature detection,contactless temperature check,temp scan,non-contact temperature check,temperature scan,workforce temperature check,temperature screening system,check employee temperature,check temperature sensor,check the temperature,check for temp,fever temperature check,home school laptop,online school laptop,laptops for students,best solutions near me,temperature check near me,covid testing near me,temperature covid 19,body temperature,student covid 19 tests near me,Consulting,Technology,Assessment,Telecommunications,Budget,Planning
描述(Description) | 721 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
, Bestek Solutions, Inc. Non-contact temperature checks and thermal imaging temperature screening instruments are fully automated. Educational laptops, laptops for students, student laptops, laptops for schools, Advanced Thermal Imaging Technology. Fast and Secure. Our automatic and highly efficient thermal temperature detection screening technology is your school or business fastest and cost-effective way to protect your students, customers, and employees. Benefits, limitations, and proper usage of thermal imaging systems, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bestek Solutions is a full-service consulting agency. We apply unique technology solutions to your small or medium-sized business.