home fiber laser cutters metal sheet fiber laser cutter plate and tube fiber laser cutter tube laser cutting machine coil fed laser cutting system about senfeng company profile overseas branches support senfeng service testimonial download videos samples news contact us english language türk dili senfeng laser welcome products senfeng supplies metal sheet laser cutters, laser tube cutters, get to learn more detail. specialized in cutting thin metal sheets, fiber laser power is from 1.5kw to 4kw, single table specialized in cutting thin metal sheets, fiber laser power is from 1.5kw to 4kw, single table affordable price, a small size. specialized in cutting metal sheets, full cover, two table specialized in cutting metal sheets, full cover, two table specialized in cutting metal sheets and metal tubes, full cover, two tables. specialized in cutting metal sheets and metal tubes, full cover, two tables. specialized in cutting metal tubes, can process up to 7m tubes, optional uploading and unloading device. specialized in cutting metal tubes, can process up to 7m tubes, optional uploading and unloading device. why choose senfeng manufacturer since 2004 a leading manufacturer in china, an experienced production team. 5 star service, on-site service senfeng supplies on-site service overseas. more than 10 years of export experience help clients recommend the most suitable solution. fast on-line service free quotation, free training on line. independent r&d independently develop core technologies. rich customer cases more than 60,000 customers all over the world. what our customers say 11-292021 application of laser cladding for wind power parts laser cladding is a surface modification technology, also known as laser metal deposition. it means that the selected coating material is placed on the surface of the cladding substrate in different ways. 11-222021 five benefits of laser cleaning laser cleaning technology has now been widely used in many fields such as construction, cultural relics protection and medicine. however, the application potential of laser cleaning technology is far from being developed. with the continuous improvement of laser performance and the decrease of price, laser cleaning technology will be more widely used in human production and life. 11-082021 application of laser cladding for high speed steel tools laser cladding technology is a material surface modification technology that has developed rapidly in recent decades. it has many excellent characteristics which cannot be achieved by traditional technologies, such as low requirements on the working environment, small deformation of the workpiece, high hardness surface modification layer, suitable for local areas and inaccessible regional processing. 11-152021 ways to determine laser cutting parameters laser cutting processing is to replace the traditional mechanical knife with an invisible beam. it has the characteristics of high precision, fast cutting, no limitation to the cutting pattern, automatic typesetting, material saving, smooth cutting, and low processing cost. the mechanical part of the laser cutter head has no contact with the workpiece, and will not scratch the surface of the workpiece during operation. contact us :
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