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标题(Title) | 68 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Ontario cottage rental: A great cottage for rent on a beautiful lake
关键词(KeyWords) | 673 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
cottage, rental, Ontario, Ont., rent, cottages, rentals, cabin, cabins, chalet, chalets, villa, let, lease, vacation, vacations, holiday, accommodation, accommodations, waterfront, Happynest, Happy Nest, travel, lodging, Canada, Lost Channel, Loring, Port Loring, Kawigamog, lake, Ontario, Rainbow Country, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Toronto, luxury, sauna, hot tub, whirlpool, wheelchair, accessible, pike fish, bass fishing, waterski, skate, northern pike fishing, large mouth bass fishing, largemouth bass fishing, small mouth bass fishing, smallmouth bass fishing, angler, angling, trout skating, skidoo, snowmobile, windsurfing, canoe, sand, beach, northern
描述(Description) | 188 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
See 60 photos of our cottage for rent: one of the nicest rentals among Ontario cottages.
This rental features 5 bedrooms, 2 bath, fireplace, sauna, spa, bbq, laundry, wheelchair access.