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Xin Net Technology Corporation
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标题(Title) | 106 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Zhejiang Chongfu Rubber & Plastic Co., Ltd.- oil seals, O-rings, dust boots, shock absorbing bushings_机械五金
关键词(KeyWords) | 73 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
il seals,O-rings,dust boots,shock absorbing bushings,buffers,leather cups
描述(Description) | 606 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Zhejiang Chongfu Rubber & Plastic Co., Ltd.- oil seals, O-rings, dust boots, shock absorbing bushings_Zhejiang Chongfu Rubber & Plastic Co., Ltd., founded in 1982, has been committed to development and production of sealing, dustproof, shockproof and braking for automobiles and motorcycles for about three decades. Our leading products contain oil seals, O-rings, dust boots, shock absorbing bushings, buffers, leather cups, and all kinds of air filter joints, which are mainly supplied for Wanxiang, Zhuzhou Yamaha, Chery, Mazda, Jiangxi Changhe, Changan Auto, Tianjin Xiali, Liuzhou Wulin, etc.