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    上次更新时间:2024/6/8 9:35:41 立即更新
    “onmyouji meets ip man.” steeped in deep lore inspired by chinese cosmology, song of silver, flame like night infuses wonder and excitement into the common tropes of forbidden magic, lost heirs, and clash of cultures. the first book in the second series by amelie wen zhao, takes place in a second world china, which has […], they say, “don’t judge a book by its cover,” which is a fair and a true statement for many reasons. the most common reason is the cover doesn’t always do the book justice, among other reasons. there is another common reason for not passing judgment on a book’s cover: the title is revealed before a […], “mulan meets kill bill” i enjoyed the blue eye samurai much as i enjoyed solo. both tell engrossing stories, with complex plots, luscious visuals, and compelling characters; but suffer for being part of an existing setting. for solo, that is of course the star wars universe, and i love watching it as long as i […], it’s that time of year again! time to vote on the best books of 2023! you have until january 31, 2023 to cast your vote, either here in the comments or on our social media. please only vote in one place. the top 50 books will be announced the first week of february. socials: facebook […], hello factioneers! today we would like to congratulate our friends david estes and dyrk ashton on the launch of their new book: kraken rider z! who are these brilliant writers and what is kraken rider z? well, if you don’t know already, let me introduce you! followers of fantasy-faction and/or the self-published fantasy blog-off (spfbo) […], earth, air, fire, and water. primal forces that make up the world and power magic. why are they such a popular motif in fantasy fiction? firstly, the theory of the ‘classical elements’ is part of the bedrock of western thought. ancient greek philosophers, such as plato, suggested the world was literally made up of the […], hills of heather and bone is our finalist for round one of this year’s self-published fantasy blog-off (spfbo) and will be joining nine other books in the final round. to follow it and check out its competition you can visit the official spfbo website. you can see the full list of our round one semi-finalists […], welcome back factioneers! we have come to the end of round one in this year’s self-published fantasy blog-off (spfbo)! over last month we have announced six semi-finalists. today we will reveal our ranking of those semi-finalists and our top book of round one! let’s begin with our (already announced) 6th place semi-finalist! 6th place semi-finalist […], * disclaimer * everyone is different and likes and dislikes different things. reading is no exception. one person’s all-time favorite might seem too bland or too high stakes for another. that being said, the opinions of our judges in this contest are just that: opinions. just because we let a book go, doesn’t mean it […], * disclaimer * everyone is different and likes and dislikes different things. reading is no exception. one person’s all-time favorite might seem too bland or too high stakes for another. that being said, the opinions of our judges in this contest are just that: opinions. just because we let a book go, doesn’t mean it […], * disclaimer * everyone is different and likes and dislikes different things. reading is no exception. one person’s all-time favorite might seem too bland or too high stakes for another. that being said, the opinions of our judges in this contest are just that: opinions. just because we let a book go, doesn’t mean it […], * disclaimer * everyone is different and likes and dislikes different things. reading is no exception. one person’s all-time favorite might seem too bland or too high stakes for another. that being said, the opinions of our judges in this contest are just that: opinions. just because we let a book go, doesn’t mean it […]
    网站成立于2010年11月29日。fantasy-faction.com的域名年龄为14年3个月,注册商为Mesh Digital Limited,DNS为ns1.asmallorange.com,ns2.asmallorange.com,域名更新时间是2023年12月05日,域名过期时间是2025年11月29日,距离过期还有273天。解析出来的IP有:[美国得克萨斯达拉斯]。


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