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标题(Title) | 29 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
FAQ Technology Solutions Inc.
关键词(KeyWords) | 689 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
F.A.Q., FAQ, FAQ Technology Solutions, FAQ Tech Solutions, Frequently Asked Questions, Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada, Hardware, Software, Service, Repair, Internet, Web Development, Multimedia, Graphic Design, Web Design, Computer Sales, Microsoft, Networking, POS, P.O.S., Point of Sale, NextPOS, Quickbooks, Laptops, Notebooks, PDA's, Handheld, Accessories, HP, Solutions, Technology, GPS, Meridian, Knowledgebase, Custom Computers, Downloads, Computer Maintenance, Computer Viruses, Toshiba, ACER, LG Electronics, AOC Monitors, PC's, PCS, Business Solutions, Servers, Hosting, Wireless Networks, Wried Networks, Web Hosting, Flash, PHP, MYSQL, Frontpage, extensions, Installing, Install
描述(Description) | 951 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
The technical team at FAQ Technology Solutions Inc. has more than 30 years combined years of experience with A+ certification and Microsoft training. We support many technology platforms as well as the world leaders in computer products. FAQ provides a mixture of product and service required to meet the needs of both business and personal clients. We dependably deliver onsite and in house maintenance and repair of all technology problems that arise in today�s business, as well as network solutions, web design & marketing and product customization. We aspire to greater standards than most, not only in product but also in service. On-site service, walk-in service and competitive rates allow us to provide reliable and thorough solutions to satisfy the most discerning client. Dependable Customized Technology. Never More than you need� Just More Than You Expected. Computers and Technology for Life. Your Questions. Your Ideas. Our Solutions.