


    LED Lighting Manufacturer/Supplier/Factory China, Commercial LED Lighting OEM & ODM | Flint
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    上次更新时间:2024/8/25 16:52:39 立即更新
    for people who want to make their homes smarter, smart lighting may be one of their entry point products. if you don't know anything about smart lighting, you may be confused about product terminology when shopping for a light fixture. today we are here to briefly introduce the key differences between smart bulbs and smart light strips.1. five main advantages of smart bulb lighting(1) unparalleled conveniencethe main reason most people buy smart bulbs or smart light strips is convenience. with smart lighting, the lights can be controlled hands-free or using an app on your smartphone, even when you're not at home. most lighting functions can be automatically controlled.(2) reduce energy consumptionusing certified smart led bulbs will save around 90% of electricity compared to traditional incandescent bulbs.(3) improve service life of bulbsmart lights not only save power, but also have a longer lifespan, and many smart led lights have a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours.(4) provide security protectioninstalling smart lighting can help make your home safer while you are on vacation or working late at the office, making your home appear occupied even when no one is there, misleading burglars and reducing the likelihood of theft.(5) create custom mood lightingutilize smart led light strips to create a fully customized lighting scene, depending on the user's mood or use occasion. control it with voice commands or a phone app. from doing homework, having dinner to watching a movie and going to sleep, there is no need to touch a light switch or get up from the couch.2. use smart bulbs or smart light strips?for whole-house smart lighting, there is no substitute for smart light switches if you own your own home and plan to live there in a long term. on the other hand, if you're renting a house, not sure if you're going to be at home for a long time, or want to have some simple lighting functions, smart bulbs are great.ease of installation is one of the main attractions of smart bulbs: just screw on the bulb, download the app, and start controlling remotely.in addition to these options, 48 feet string lights can also be considered. with proper installation and layout, a truly creative lighting scene can be achieved, with the same convenience, versatility and unique lighting effects as smart bulbs.3. three main differences between smart bulbs and smart light strips(1) static and mobilejust choose the right size for the smart bulb, screw it on, and it's ready to go.smart light strips come with more flexibility, and designs and configurations vary because of different brands and types. for most led light strips, it is easily to move and you can change the lights according to the mood.(2) task lighting vs ambient lightingsmart bulbs play the role of effective overhead and task lighting, and can meet any type of lighting needs throughout the house.smart light strips are usually used to provide mood lighting and scene accent lighting. in luxury houses or villas, they can also be used for area division in decoration design.(3) priceas smart light strips are a niche solution, it is more expensive. that's not to say there aren't cheap smart light strips, but they're generally more expensive than light bulbs on a comparable basis.we are a professionalled edison light bulb company, if you want to customize smart bulbs, we are very gald to serve you.
    网站成立于2016年3月3日,该网站属于综合其他行业。网站主要内容为:led lighting manufacturers, led lighting company, led lighting in china等。flintlight.com的域名年龄为8年10个月4天,注册商为Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.,DNS为dns10.hichina.com,dns9.hichina.com,域名更新时间是2020年04月02日,域名过期时间是2030年03月03日,距离过期还有1881天。解析出来的IP有:[美国加利福尼亚圣克拉拉 阿里云]。


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    标题(Title) 91 个字符(一般不超过80个字符)
    LED Lighting Manufacturer/Supplier/Factory China, Commercial LED Lighting OEM & ODM | Flint
    关键词(KeyWords) 71 个字符(一般不超过100个字符)
    led lighting manufacturers, led lighting company, led lighting in china
    描述(Description) 290 个字符(一般不超过200个字符)
    Flint is a leading led lighting manufacturer in China, supplies types of commercial led lighting, including LED oversized bulbs, edison bulbs, LED smart bulbs, outdoor string bulbs, LED track lighting, LED dimmers, LED clip light, etc. LED light from the professional manufacturing company!




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