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标题(Title) | 5 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
关键词(KeyWords) | 1194 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
patent, patent services, patent search, patent searches, patent searching, file history, file histories, assignment, assignment search, assignment searches, patent forms, patent search forms, copy service, copy services, patent copy services, how to get a patent, patent process, specialize patent services, patent file, patent files, order patent services, order patent search, intellectual property searches, intellectual property search, electrical patent search, electrical patent searches, chemical patent search, chemical patent searches, mechanical patent search, mechanical patent searches, biotechnology patent search, biotechnology patent searches, novelty search, novelty searches, collection search, collection searches, infringement search, infringement searches, validity search, validity searches, state of the art search, state of the art searches, state-of-the-art search, state-of-the-art searches, electronic delivery of patent searches, U.S. trademark searches, us trademark search, US trademark searches, title search, title searches, inventor name search, company name search, published applications, pct file histories, PCT file histories, orbit, Orbit Intelligence, qpat
描述(Description) | 118 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Questel new portal for patent, design, and legal professionals looking for a comprehensive coverage and powerful tool.