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Network Solutions,LLC
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标题(Title) | 59 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
MICE and Corporate Travel Event | IT&CM China and CTW China
关键词(KeyWords) | 915 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
Hybrid MICE Exhibition China,MICE Event China,Business Travel China, Corporate Travel Event China,Corporate Travel Event in Shanghai,Corporate Travel Conference,Hybrid Event China,In-Person Event China,Virtual Event China,Virtual Expo, International MICE Exhibitors,International Corporate Travel Exhibitors,Chinese MICE Exhibitors,Chinese Corporate Travel Exhibitors,International MICE Buyers,Chinese MICE Buyers,International Association Buyers,Chinese Association Buyers,International Corporate Buyers,Chinese Corporate Buyers,Hosted Buyer Programme,Buyer Incentives,Buyer Rewards,Media Affiliates,Business Events Visitors,Corporate Travel Visitors,Face-to-face Business Meetings,Education,Networking,On-demand Content,Live Events,MICE Event in Shanghai ,Business Events China,Doublebill Event China,MICE and Corporate Travel China,MICE Event Shanghai,Corporate Travel Event Shanghai,Corporate Travel Event China
描述(Description) | 154 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
China’s leading international MICE and Corporate Travel event. Outbound, inbound and domestic business events for global, Chinese destinations and buyers.