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Xin Net Technology Corp.
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标题(Title) | 51 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Jewel Machinery Co., Ltd._Jewel Machinery Co., Ltd.
关键词(KeyWords) | 1988 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
Hydraulic strapping machine, waste paper strapping machine, hydraulic waste paper strapping machine, metal hydraulic strapping machine, waste paper hydraulic strapping machine, vertical hydraulic strapping machine, horizontal hydraulic strapping machine, fully automatic waste paper strapping machine, fully automatic hydraulic strapping machine, fully automatic strapping machine, semi-automatic strapping machine, semi-automatic hydraulic strapping machine, semi-automatic waste paper strapping machine, hydraulic compression strapping machine, cardboard box strapping machine, waste paper compression strapping machine, compression strapping machine, hydraulic strapping machine, plastic strapping machine, waste plastic strapping machine, film strapping machine, marine strapping machine, marine compression strapping machine, marine household waste strapping machine, plastic bottle strapping machine, beverage bottle strapping machine, hard plastic strapping machine, barrel compressor, oil barrel flattening machine, barrel flattening machine. Fiber baler, fiber hydraulic press, fiber compression baler, straw baler, brown fiber baler, sponge baler, cotton baler, can baler, clothing baler, Waste baler, waste cloth baler, shredded cloth baler, leaf baler, sea bath baler, tire baler, tire baler, waste tire baler, tire flattening machine, paper scrap baler, shredder baler, household waste baler, fabric baler, fiber bagging machine, sawdust baler, sawdust bagging machine, sawdust briquetting machine, sawdust compression bagging machine, cottonseed shell bagging machine, cottonseed shell compression bagging machine, mineral wool baler, mineral wool compression bagging machine, hay bagging machine, hay baler, corn cob baler, corn cob compression bagging machine, corn cob bagging machine Machine, rice husk compression packaging machine, rice husk bagging machine, rice husk compression bagging machine, wood shavings compression packaging machine, shavings bagging machine,
描述(Description) | 604 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
ewel Machinery is the leading solid waste management equipment manufacturer in China. With three decades of industry expertise, Jewel Machinery has provided sustainable environmental solutions and top customer service to our clients, including commercial customers, city governments, and communities across the globe. Jewel Machinery designs and manufactures a wide range of products to meet the customer's unique needs, including vertical and horizontal compactors, fully-automatic balers, industrial waste discharge equipment, automatic wrapping solutions, and integrated shredding compression systems.