kyle shevlinsoftware engineerhomeall poststagscoursessnippetsaboutabouthello, my name is kyle shevlin and i am a software developer. i live and work in wonderful portland, oregon.if i had to describe myself, which i do have to do in order to accomplish the purposes of an about page, i would say that i'm a simple, midwestern man who happens to be the forbidden lovechild between a vulcan and a viking. make of that what you will. i have a motto that is the driving force behind my work, “with all things, leave them better than you find them.” i see something that could be better, i try to find a way to make it better. with all things, leave them better than you find them.i push myself pretty hard to do things well and take pride in the quality of my craft. and i expect others to try and do the same. it's the vulcan in me, i almost can't help hope with this blog is to help others improved the quality of their craftshare some of the ways i've been able to do so over the years. i sincerely hope it helps.lastly, lest you think of me as only a software developer, let me tell you a bit more of what i do in my leisure. when i'm not working, i'm probably working on my golf game. i play in tournaments all around the pacific northwest and occasionally even win one once in a while. i have a nascent golf blog i'm just getting started to share some of my insights into the game with others.when i'm not playing golf, you can probably find me playing video games with my wife or having a good beer and food with some wife trying to take a bite out of me with one of those hats that sherlock holmes would wear.let's talk some more about javascript, typescript, react, and software engineering.i write a newsletter to share my thoughts and the projects i'm working on. i would love for you to join the conversation. you can unsubscribe at any time.first nameemail addresssubmitdata structures and algorithmscheck out my courses!liked the post? you might like my courses, too. click the button to view this course or go to courses for more information.view on egghead.ioi would like give thanks to those who have contributed fixes and updates to this blog. if you see something that needs some love, you can join them. this blog is open sourced at for my golf content instead?©2023 kyle shevlin. all rights reserved.
网站成立于2011年1月21日,该网站属于综合其他行业。kyleshevlin.com的域名年龄为13年11个月24天,注册商为,LLC,DNS为,,,,域名更新时间是2024年01月21日,域名过期时间是2025年01月21日,距离过期还有7天。解析出来的IP有:[新加坡 亚马逊云],[新加坡 亚马逊云]。