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标题(Title) | 58 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Map History / History of Cartography - WWW-Virtual Library
关键词(KeyWords) | 1299 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
old maps, old map, early maps, early map, earlier maps, early cartography, maphistory, history of cartography, antique maps, antique map, antiquarian maps, antiquarian map, vintage map,vintage maps, non-current maps, non-modern maps, historic maps, historic map, historical maps, historical map,historical mapping, mapping history, history cartography, history of maps, history of mapping, cartographichistory, historical cartography, cartographic heritage, early mapping, free, free information, maps, mapcollections, collections of maps, collecting maps, map collecting, map collectors, map collector, map theft,web images, map images, map scans, maps history, maphistory, history map, history maps, rare maps, rare map,web maps, family history, family historian, fake, forgery, facsimile, chronogram, mapas historicos,cartografia historica, historische karten, kartengeschichte, geschichte der kartographie, alter karten,histoire de la cartographie, histoire de cartes, cartographie historique, histoire cartographique, carteshistoriques, antica cartografia, storia della cartografia, storia delle carte, oude kaarten, geschiedenis vande kartografie, geschiedenis der kartografie, genealogy, genealogists, genealogical, teacher, teachers,teaching, school, parents, parent, children, child, lesson
描述(Description) | 254 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
A tightly organized global overview of the history of
cartography - its resources, activities and opportunities (spread over more than 100 pages) with
leads to the collecting of early maps, and thousands of links, e.g. to map image sites and
web articles