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标题(Title) | 52 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
RetailSystem- Custom Point-of-Sale Solutions | Novus
关键词(KeyWords) | 846 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
Novus,payment terminal mount,payment terminal stand,terminal mount,modular terminal mount,custom terminal mount,cashier station,check out station,payment station,modular payment station,custom payment station,modular point of sale components,point of sale workstation,retail keyboard holder,retail PIN pad holder,retail pinpad holder,retail printer holder,retail space design,retail tablet holder,retail touchscreen holder,retail workstation,RetailSystem,Best payment terminal mount,Best payment terminal stand,Best modular terminal mount,Best custom terminal mount,Best cashier station,Best check out station,Best modular payment station,Best payment station,Best custom payment station,Best retail workstation,Verifone,Spacepole,ENS,MMF POS,Equinox,Ingenico,Moneris,PAX,Honeywell,Hypercom,Novus Office,Novus More Space System,German engineered,
描述(Description) | 156 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Novus RetailSystem offers customizable point-of-sale solutions for credit card machines, touchscreens, & keyboards- for the perfect customer experience.