included in these statistics are all the pegi ratings that were issued using the traditional pegi pre-release rating procedure, which applies to all games released on discs or cartridges for consoles of microsoft, nintendo and sony, and pc.if a game is not released in a physical format but is only available as a digital download, the publisher can choose to use the traditional pre-release rating procedure, or it can use the widely implemented iarc procedure (which is based on the exact same criteria. games that receive their pegi rating via iarc are not included in the statistics below.1. number of products rated, by age category until end of 2022pegi2018%2019%2020%2021%2022%all%349923.3%45225.8%43525.0%42124.3%44125.2%13,77936.0%745921.4%36420.7%35420.3%32018.5%28216.1%665617.4%1258927.5%40222.8%37621.5%39422.8%51129.2%897323.5%1636617.2%32518.5%29617.0%32919.0%31618.1%551814.4%1822910.6%21412.2%28216.2%26715.4%19811.3%33388.7%total2142100%1757100%1741100%1731100%1748100%38,264100%2. number of products per content descriptor: 2022(* note: the in-game purchases descriptor is not linked to a particular age classification)age rating \content category 37121618total%violence-**.5%bad language--30112114756932.5%fear/horror-894637-1729.8%sex--6720693.9%drugs/alcohol---288362.0%gambling--3021241.3%discrimination----000%in-game purchases***22.0% pegi awareness in 2023this research was carried out as part of the gametrack study on behalf of video games europe (vge). adults aged 11-64 were surveyed across uk, france, spain and italy. the data looks at parents with children (aged 0-17) and parents with children who play video games. the focus is on awareness of the pegi age rating labels and usage (amongst those aware):among all parents, 68% claim to be aware of the pegi age rating labels.among parents with children that play video games, awareness of the pegi age rating labels rises to 79%. of those aware of the pegi age ratings labels:76% of parents with children that play video games said they use pegi labels to make an informed decision when considering to buy a video game for their children.nearly half (49%) claim to use the age rating labels and do follow the advice.27% claim to use the age rating labels but do not always follow the advice.almost one in four parents with children who play video games and are aware of the pegi age rating labels claim to not pay attention to the age rating labels when they consider what games to buy for their child.84% think the pegi age rating labels are clear (extremely/very clear), while only 2% claim they are not clear (not very clear/not at all clear)78% feel that the pegi age rating labels are useful, with only 3% who think they are not usefulparental control tools: amongst parents aware of pegi age rating labels, with children that play video games, 62% say they apply one or more tools to monitor or limit their child’s gameplay.sample size: 3,425 (uk: 701 ; fr: 929 ; sp: 968 ; it: 827)sample methodology: quota sampling. representative sample of video game players aged 11-64, weighted to the known population of this audience, using an online self-completion survey, with natural fallout of parents with children aged 0-17. pegi-specific questions were answered by all participants immediately after the main gametrack survey questions. fieldwork took place between august and october 2023.
网站成立于2002年10月7日,用户主要来自英国,主要流量来自直接访问。pegi.info的域名年龄为22年5个月3天,注册商为Key-Systems GmbH,DNS为,,,域名更新时间是2023年11月21日,域名过期时间是2024年10月07日,距离过期还有-154天。解析出来的IP有:[荷兰北荷兰阿姆斯特丹 微软云]。