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Chengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.
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标题(Title) | 98 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
home page of Rydmet Cemented Tungsten Carbide Limited, Manufacuter of Cemented Carbide, Hardmetal
关键词(KeyWords) | 421 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
Carbide Rods, Carbide Buttons; Carbide Blanks, Carbide Preforms, Carbide Circular Knives, Carbide Slitting Knives, Carbide Gun Drill Blanks, Carbide Tubes, Carbide Nozzles, Water Jet Focusing, Carbide Tubes, Carbide Components, Carbide bushings, Sleeves. Manufactuer, Professional Carbide Toos, Carbide burrs, Carbide Dental Burrs, Carbide Focusing Tubes Equal to Roctec500, Mixing Tubes, Waterjet Nozzles, Carbide Rolls
描述(Description) | 467 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Rydmet is a Professional manufacturer of Carbide Rods, Carbide Buttons; Carbide Blanks, Carbide Preforms, Carbide Circular Knives, Carbide Slitting Knives, Carbide Gun Drill Blanks, Carbide Tubes, Carbide Nozzles, Water Jet Focusing, Carbide Tubes, Carbide Components, Carbide bushings, Sleeves. Manufactuer, Professional Carbide Toos, Carbide burrs, Carbide Dental Burrs, Carbide Focusing Tubes Equal to Roctec500, Mixing Tubes, Waterjet Nozzles, Carbide Rolls,etc.