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标题(Title) | 69 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
#1 Photography & Film education. #1 Fotografie en film onderwijs.
关键词(KeyWords) | 785 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
photography, fotografie, course, cursus, school, analogue, darkroom, education, opleiding, digitaal, analoog, fotoacademie, fotovakschool, english, digital, amsterdam, student, professional, education, school, studio, fotofactory, thefotofactory, fotografie, basiscursus, beginner, beginnerscursus, film, opleiding, cursus, camera, analoog, basiscursus, basic, advanced, darkroom, flash, adobe, photoshop, lightroom, premierepro, digital, digitaal, fotograferen, flits, studio, apple, fop, rent, spaces, teachers, dutch, english, nederlands, amsterdam, fotofactory, the fotofactory, art, art school, kunstacademie, fotovakschool, fotoacademie, photo school, iso, student, mk24, fotohuis, opleidingfotografie, united-pop, basiscursus, crea, fotovakschool, fotoacademie, thefotofactory
描述(Description) | 557 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Photography course and workshops in Amsterdam. Fotografie basis opleiding, workshops en cursussen van hoge kwaliteit! International Institute of Photography the FOTOfactory is a private educational Institute in the Netherlands, with English or Dutch spoken photography courses and workshops. Our students come from all over the world to study photography at different levels. Our courses are presented in a relaxed atmosphere where student involvement is encouraged, feedback is important, and the instructors are always available to answer your questions.