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    timeline of roller coasters and thrill ridesroller coaster historyglossary of roller coaster termssearch search homenews newscovid-19 park newseditorialspress releasesfeaturedamusement parks cedar fairdisneysix flagsuniversal studiosindustry careerstravel covid-19 infogetting therehotelsreviews trip reportsreviewsthrill ridesfeaturedvideosabout meet the staffprivacy policyterms of usecomment policycontactsite news site newsthrillnetwork domain and site for saleabout#thrillnetworkabout our sitethrillnetwork is one of the longest running website for thrill seekers around the globe. since its introduction to the world wide web in 2001, thrillnetwork has become the place for thrill seekers to “sit down, log in, and hang on!” as they exchange news, rumors, tips, and information about the amusement park industry. whether it be roller coasters, theme parks, water slides, or other extreme thrill attractions, thrillnetwork is a community where the adrenaline-minded can connect and share the excitement of always being on the edge. we are proud to have over 12,000 members who have been active within the amusement industry. we have incredibly knowledgeable members that have worked in the industry and some even have engineering degrees.it’s all about you com·mu·ni·ty kəˈmyo͞onitē/“community isn’t built or befriended, it’s connected by offering and accepting. community is affinity, identity, and kinship that make room for ideas, thoughts, and solutions. wherever a community gathers, we aspire and inspire each other intentionally…and our words shine with authenticity.” -liz strauss alexander westerman owner & publisheri’ve been around since day one. can’t believe we’ve been together for over 13 years! thank you for making thrillnetwork an amazing experience. what an awesome ride!!!@alexwestermansteven heicher webmasteri’ve been around since june 2001 (13 years)… largely retired from the day-to-day stuff but i still help plan direction of the site. during that time, i’ve experienced some of the top coasters, operated a couple of them (ride host at cedar point’s magnum xl-200 and michigan’s adventure’s shivering timbers), and still enjoy going to parks on occasion. i work as a systems administrator for a non-profit full-time, and outside of that, i am a trained storm spotter and small-time chaser, which has been a growing passion for the last several years.@stevenheicherkatie mccabe website administratori’ve been around since 2005 just hanging around with all these guys. i have ridden over 300 roller coasters and i still want more! i love photography as well. a lot of the pics i have taken are on our facebook and twitter pages. i also enjoy a good movie and teaching my kids about the amusement industry.@kmc814wes connell writeri joined tn in september of 2001, just months after the launch of the site. besides writing, roller coasters and amusement parks, i sing, spend way too much time on facebook, and enjoy cycling and boot camp-style workouts.@thewestate tom zeliff senior editori’ve been on the site since 2001 as a member, moderator, admin, writer, and editor. i’m also the lead 3d modeller for nolimits coaster simulator, avid coaster/theme park geek, and a father of bouncing baby boy who has some growing to do until he reaches 36, 42, 48, and 54 inch milestones. view my photography at: flickr.com/photos/ride_opadd@ride_op privacy & cookies: this site uses cookies. by continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. to find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: cookie policy translate recent posts six flags merging with cedar fair, which owns cedar point, knott’s berry farm six flags, cedar fair close to merger deal how will cedar fair and six flags match collectively? 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    网站成立于2001年7月27日。thrillnetwork.com的域名年龄为23年7个月5天,注册商为CloudFlare,Inc.,DNS为henry.ns.cloudflare.com,vita.ns.cloudflare.com,域名更新时间是2023年06月27日,域名过期时间是2024年07月27日,距离过期还有-220天。解析出来的IP有:[泛播 Cloudflare],[泛播 Cloudflare],[泛播 Cloudflare]。


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    Thrillnetwork | Sit down. Log in. Hang on!
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    is the place for thrill seekers to exchange news, rumors, travel tips, information about the amusement park, theme park industry and roller coasters.




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