steeped in history, the united states botanic garden is a living plant museum that informs visitors about the importance, and often irreplaceable value, of plants to people and earth’s ecosystems.more than 200 years ago, george washington had a vision for the capital city of the united states that included a botanic garden to demonstrate and promote the importance of plants to the young nation. the u.s. botanic garden fulfills that vision. established by the u.s. congress in 1820, the garden is an independent federal agency in the legislative branch and has been administered through the architect of the capitol since 1934. it is the oldest continuously operating public garden in the united the garden directly serves the u.s. congress and more than one million visitors per year. we strive to be a global leader in botanic garden excellence.u.s. botanic garden missionthe u.s. botanic garden inspires people to appreciate, study
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