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Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.
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标题(Title) | 110 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Plate Heat Exchanger,Frame Heat Exchanger, Plate type Heat Exchanger Factory Price,Gasket Plate Heat Exchanger
关键词(KeyWords) | 151 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
Plate Heat Exchanger,heat exchanger gasket,food degree milk plate heat exchanger,Pasteurization heat exchanger,marine Titanium heat exchanger for sale,
描述(Description) | 354 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Our main product is heat exchanger,plate and gasket,including Alfa Laval, Thermowave,GEA, APV, Tranter, Sondex, SWEP, Sigma, ITT, Funke, etc,Economizer free cooling; ground source heat pumps; ground water cooling;water source heat pump freeze protection isolation; campus (district) heating and cooling; industrial processes; and pressure zone isolation.