SEO信息 |
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备案信息 | 备案号:沪ICP备14035654号 名称: 易保网络技术(上海)有限公司 性质:企业 审核时间:2019-08-29 更新 | |
网站信息 |
标题(Title) | 30 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
eBaoTech | make insurance easy
关键词(KeyWords) | 392 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
aPaaS, MACH, MACH architecture, Headless insurance platform, API layer, Insurance app marketplace, Insurance application marketplace, eBaoTech, digital insurance software, ebao core systems, insurance cloud platform, cloud native paas, saas, open API, insurance api, Insurance Middle Office, ebaocloud, PAS, InsureMO, Ebao, ebaotech CEO, ebaotech partner, ebaocloud marketplace, microservices
描述(Description) | 281 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
eBao Cloud Open API platform InsureMO PaaS provide connectivity and enablement for insurers, FinTech startups. eBao Software core system suites for life, general, and health insurers as well re-insurers. Enable Digital connected embeded insurance in digital age with PaaS and SaaS.