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备案信息 | 备案号:苏ICP备2024110145号 名称: 江苏恩尔科低碳科技有限公司 性质:企业 审核时间:2024-06-21 更新 | |
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标题(Title) | 100 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Unlocking the Potential of Carbon Neutrality: ENERKE - Leading the Way in Green Technology Solutions
关键词(KeyWords) | 394 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
carbon neutrality, technology company, green economy, low-carbon solutions, negative carbon technologies, green hydrogen technologies, energy storage technologies, carbon dioxide recovery, carbon value utilization, zero-carbon economy, waste to treasure, technological innovation, research institutions collaboration, strict management procedures, manufacturing skills, sincere service support.
描述(Description) | 1046 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
ENERKE is a leading technology company in the field of carbon neutrality, specializing in the development, production, sales, and service of innovative solutions for green, low-carbon, and zero-carbon economies. Our expertise lies in negative carbon technologies, green hydrogen technologies, and energy storage technologies. Our mission is to create value by providing economically positive carbon neutrality solutions for carbon-emitting industries. With a focus on the recovery and capture of carbon dioxide and the development and utilization of carbon value, ENERKE is driving the transition towards a zero-carbon economy. Partnering with renowned domestic and international research institutions and universities, we prioritize technological innovation and continually incorporate advanced design concepts, rigorous management procedures, superior manufacturing skills, and dedicated service support from both domestic and foreign sources. Explore our homepage to discover how ENERKE is transforming carbon dioxide from waste into treasure.