SEO信息 |
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域名信息 |
Xin Net Technology Corporation
备案信息 | 备案号:鄂ICP备2021017617号 名称: 武汉嘉润汇茗茶叶有限公司 性质:企业 审核时间:2021-10-18 更新 | |
网站信息 |
标题(Title) | 72 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Wuhan Jiarun Huiming Tea Co, Ltd. | organic tea | Chinese tea | tea bags
关键词(KeyWords) | 165 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
organic tea,Chinese tea,tea bags,black tea,green tea,oolong tea,white tea,pu er tea, yellow tea,jasmine tea,herbal tea,blooming tea,Wuhan Jiarun Huiming Tea Co.,Ltd.
描述(Description) | 489 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Wuhan Jiarun Huiming Tea Co, Ltd. is a professional tea company which integrating tea production, development, processing, storage and sales. Also as the mamber of Hubei Tea Association . The company has established a number of export tea production bases in hubei, Guangxi, Fujian, Guizhou and Yunnan, and has been certified as HACCP, ISO9001, ETP, Fairtrade, RFA, UTZ, EEC Organic & NOP certification, Our main business is engaged in the export of various kinds of tea and tea packaging.