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标题(Title) | 67 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
Medical Buyer is the leading monthly magazine for medical equipment
关键词(KeyWords) | 1109 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
Anesthetics Equipment, Blood Pressure Monitoring and Measurement Equipment, Cardiac Therapy Equipment, Cath Labs, Catheters, Defibrillators, Dialysis Equipment, ECG Equipment, Electrosurgical Instruments, CT Scanners, Endoscopes and Accessories, Implants and Prostheses, Infusion Technology Equipment, Medical Laser Systems, Nebulisers, MRI Equipment, Nuclear Medicine Equipment, Oxygen Therapy Devices, Patient Monitoring Equipment, SDB Equipment and Devices, Ultrasound Equipment, Ventilators, and X-Ray Devices and Accessories,DNA Sequencers, Electrophoresis Instruments, Flow Cytometers, Gas Chromatography Systems, Homogenizers, HPLC Systems, Ion Exchangers, Liquid Handling Systems, Mass Spectrometers, Microarray Systems, Microscopes, Thermal Cyclers, Biochemistry Instruments & Reagents, Blood Gas and Electrolyte Instruments & Reagents, Coagulation Instruments & Reagents, Hematology Instruments & Reagents, Immunochemistry Instruments & Reagents, Microbiology Instruments & Reagents, Molecular Diagnostics Instruments & Reagents, and Urinalysis Instruments & Reagents
描述(Description) | 157 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
Medical Buyer is the leading monthly magazine for medical equipment and devices. It is a valuable source of information for hospital administrators, heads of