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标题(Title) | 14 个字符(一般不超过80个字符) |
万象风景 - MIXPLAN
关键词(KeyWords) | 249 个字符(一般不超过100个字符) |
策划、规划、旅游规划、古镇规划、主题乐园规划、景区规划、建筑方案、建筑设计、建筑概念方案、景区IP设计、Planning, planning, tourism planning, ancient town planning, theme park planning, scenic area planning, architectural plans, architectural design, architectural concept plans, scenic area IP design
描述(Description) | 607 个字符(一般不超过200个字符) |
我们是一个由独立规划师与建筑师、数字艺术家共同成立的设计机构。旨在通过整合不同领域的设计师、艺术家和优质资源,为我们的客户提供优秀的,具有创造力的文旅项目咨询策划和系统化的解决方案,并长期为国内大型文旅集团、开发平台公司、地方政府等提供定制化的咨询服务。We are a design agency founded by independent planners together with architects and digital artists. We aim to provide our clients with excellent, creative cultural tourism project consulting and planning and systematic solutions by integrating designers, artists and quality resources from different fields, and have been providing customized consulting services for domestic large cultural tourism groups, development platform companies, local governments, etc. for a long time.