shark tank productsseason 1 productsseason 2 productsseason 3 productsseason 4 productsseason 5 productsseason 6 productsseason 7 productsseason 8 productsseason 9 productsseason 10 productsseason 11 productsseason 12 productsseason 13 shark tank productsshark tankshark biosget on shark tankabout uscontact usfinancingcontestsentrepreneur trainingshark tank blogshark tank previews, reviews & updatesfacebookinstagramlinkedinpinteresttwitter**homeshark tank productsseason 1 productsseason 2 productsseason 3 productsseason 4 productsseason 5 productsseason 6 productsseason 7 productsseason 8 productsseason 9 productsseason 10 productsseason 11 productsseason 12 productsseason 13 shark tank productsshark tank episodesbloginterviewsbeyond the tankproductsseason 1 productsseason 2 productsseason 3 productsseason 4 productsseason 5 productsseason 6 productsseason 7 productsseason 8 productsseason 9 productsseason 10 productsseason 11 productsseason 12 productsseason 13 shark tank productsthis page contains links to products. if you click through and buy, shark tank blog may receive a commissionabout shark tank blogrob merlino’s shark tank blog operates independently of abc’s shark tank reality tv show. we are not affiliated with abc, sony pictures, or any other “shark tank entities.” readers benefit from exclusive connections with entrepreneurs appearing on the show. we also associate with the sharks when opportunity presents itself, so that we can offer fans the scoop on all the hot gossip.about shark tank blogshark tank blog reports on the reality tv hit show shark tank, investors, entrepreneurs and fans. this site was started by kirk taylor and rob merlino in early 2012 to write about and report on the shark tank on abc. we wanted a place where we could find a list of shark tank episodes, reviews of shark tank products, previews of shark tank entrepreneurs, and interviews with shark tank entrepreneurs and sharks. rob took the site over in early 2013.about rob merlinorob merlino (hotdogman) started blogging around seven years ago on a variety of topics including his love for the hot dog. rob is a prolific writer published in several books, in newspapers, and on numerous blogs.the third season of shark tank finished, and we wanted a new, catchier name for the blog. i did research and soon after, we became the new name is catchier, easier to remember and describes what we do.thank you for visiting shark tank blog and, be sure to participate in comments on the site.comments tim mceneny